Cranes Davits
structural design
FEM Structures /Structural Consultants
A selection of activities of our Studio


Structural Design Consultants

line   line
structural design
passerelle barche
keel design
tank design
stress engineering
Progettazione portellone
 Stampo, Modello, Barca a vela, Finite Element Method, Fibra di Carbonio
Settore Timoneria, Barca a vela, Finite Element Method, Fibra di Carbonio
Modello, Seste, Barca a vela, Finite Element Method, Fibra di Carbonio
operating table
Disegni, Structural Drawing

The structural design is the heart of the activities FEMstrutture with applications in various fields of industrial production.

Not only that, because the structural design is only one aspect of the overall design of the object to produce, more or less important depending on the type of the element being analyzed.

For example in the figures we see some objects that we have involved, in part or in whole, in various stages of a cycle of design:
  • geometric design,

  • product engineering,
  • structural scantling,

  • structural testing using finite element analysis (FEA) ,

  • process engineering

Our background is of a ship leaving but the skills of our designers allow us to operate in various sectors such as:

  • the design of the tail of a gyrocopters in the aeronautical field,

  • or as the structural design of an operating table in the health field.

© 2013/2014
FEMstrutture - via Chiara, 13 tel.  +39 081 810 00 07
80079 - Procida - Napoli - Italia fax. +39 081 810 00 08